Morning Brew: Tree Fruit Pest Management Conversations via Zoom. Monday 6AM, August 3rd, 2020

Grab your coffee and join in the discussion from home or tractor seat.

Hudson Valley Research Laboratory entomologist, Peter Jentsch, friends and guests invite you to join in timely discussions on Tree Fruit Pest Management from 6-7AM each Monday morning through the season via Zoom. The Zoom meeting site will open at 5:45AM for you to link into the meeting and get your coffee. We’ll start the agenda at 6AM.

Join in or simply listen to what’s ahead for the coming week.

Link to Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 962 0570 9026
Password: 893436

Agenda: Welcome. Weather forecast, regional reporting

* Insect management:
…..Stink Bug: BMSB (Increasing nymphs and adults in pheromone traps)
Onset of 2nd generation mid-August
…..Apple Maggot: Emergence continues, management required
…..Codling Moth: 2nd generation complete
…..Obliquebanded Leafroller: Mid-August; no flight yet at the HVRL as of July 27th
…..WAA Management: New Diazinon AG600 WBC formulation
…..Mite Management: Heat, Generational Time & Mgt.

* Diseases (Guests): Bitter Rot management, Sooty Blotch and Flyspeck

…………grower questions and wisdom.


Beginning Steps…
1. Download Zoom on your computer, pad or phone devise you will use for the meeting.
2. Follow the prompts for software setup.

Meeting steps
1. Join Zoom Meeting by clicking on or pasting the link into your browser: Join URL:
2. Or open Zoom software, copy and paste the Meeting ID: 962 0570 9026
Important…The meeting link may change every week as needed. Link on the most updated weekly email blog invitation.

Rules of the Road:
1. Lets cover the basics of the days agenda, then open the floor for conversation.

2. All microphones will me muted as you enter the Zoom meeting. Please keep your mic muted during the meeting until your ready to join the conversation.

When you’re ready, un-mute your microphone and join in.

Hope to see you then