BMSB Adult Trap Captures Above Threshold: HVRL 29th Aug. 2017

BMSB Adult

Synopsis: Traps at the Hudson Valley Research Laboratory in Highland NY increased dramatically today with 13 brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) adults observed in and on a Tedders trap. In tree fruit blocks where adults or nymphs are found, orchard management for the pest should be initiated.

In Monroe County BMSB nymph captures have increased dramatically since early August, averaging 13 per trap last week.

Late peach are at greatest risk as we move into September.

You can view the EDDMaps/BMSB site to obtain trap threshold updates by NYS county throughout the season.

Insecticide tools with various degrees of efficacy for BMSB management.

One of the most effective tools for use to manage BMSB is the active ingredient bifenthrin in a number of formulations. Bifenthrin has a 12 hr. re-entry interval, 14 day pre-harvest interval and a 30 day re-application interval.

Links below provide access to PDF copies of the approval letter along with the Section 18 labels for materials containing the A.I. bifenthrin.

Labels should be made available to the applicator during bifenthrin applications. These can be printed or available as digital files such as PDF’s on tablets or smart phones. We were able to add an additional 1000 acres for use in Monroe, Wayne, and Orleans Counties during the application process this year. The exemption is valid now through October 15th as a “Section 18 EXEMPTION, FOR DISTRIBUTION AND USE ONLY IN COLUMBIA, DUTCHESS, MONROE, ORANGE, ORLEANS, ULSTER, and WAYNE COUNTIES IN NEW YORK STATE”.

Regardless of the product used, a maximum of 0.08 to 0.2 lb[AI]/acre/season will be allowed, with no more than 0.5 lb a.i./acre applied per year with multiple applications made at a minimum of 30 day intervals; a restricted entry interval (REI) of 12 hours and pre-harvest interval (PHI) of 14 days must be observed.

 When applying either of these materials for BMSB control on apples, peaches, or nectarines, growers must have possession of the Section 18 label.

Bifenture 10DF Insecticide/Miticide (EPA Reg. No. 70506‐227)
Bifenture®EC Agricultural Insecticide (EPA Reg.No.70506‐57)

Adult BMSB at THreshold in Tedders Trap

BMSB Management: The brown marmorated stink bug is an arboreal insect, residing in woodland deciduous trees. Although the insect prefers an arboreal habitat, with woodland tree species providing nutritional and reproductive resources, in the Northeast it appears to move out of woodlands to orchards during periods of low relative humidity and the onset of drought conditions.

The use of pheromone baited Tedder’s or sticky traps will intercept the insect as it makes it way out of the woods and into agricultural crops, including apple and peach. A weekly trap capture of 10 adults / trap is presently being used as the action threshold for management. A single adult within the orchard perimeter rows bordering woodlands or a single apple damaged by stink bug can also be considered as viable action thresholds for BMSB.

If BMSB nymphs are observed it may be a very small, localized population, an indication of border or whole orchard populations. Intensive scouting should follow to determine if adults are present and whether a perimeter application, alternate row middle or whole orchard application should be made based on life stage and population presence.

Strong evidence from work being done at Rutgers University that perimeter orchard application (to apple only) in management along the wooded edge of the orchard is as effective and likely more economical as alternate row middle applications when timed at trap threshold of 10 adults per trap per week.

Life Stages of the BMSB .

Life Stages of the BMSB .