Your comments needed ! Ecological risk assessment for the pyrethroid class of insecticides by EPA. Open until July 7.

BMSB on late season peach

Given the loss of a number of tools in the tree fruit industry in recent years, a greater reliance on the pyrethroid class of insecticides, in single use and pre-mix formulations, are being employed to manage the insect complex. Along with apple, pyrethroids are also being used in a wide variety of food crops including almonds, tomatoes, and citrus, as well as animal feed crops including corn, soybean, and alfalfa, comprising 120 crops nationwide protected from pests. For New York growers the use of bifenthrin (FMC; Brigade WSB, Hero, Mustang Maxx) for management of the brown marmorated stink bug and spotted wing drosophila is especially important. Bifenthrin is used on an estimated 70% of the nation’s raspberries.

To address the importance of these tools. the EPA has reopened the official comment docket regarding the preliminary ecological risk assessment for the pyrethroid class of insecticides. It will remain open until July 7.

Grower comments are needed to ensure that EPA understands the importance of these pest control tools and that it has the most up-to-date use information to consider in its assessment. Your perspectives are critical to retail these tools.

Link to the Pyrethroid Working Group website to access a sample comment draft that can be further customized and submitted directly to the EPA docket.

Step 1. Copy, past and edit the bullet points into the message at the bottom of the Pyrethroid Working Group page.

Step 2. Click continue to add full name, address, email and business address.

Step 3. Submit. Document – EPA-HQ-OPP-2010-0480-0178 (-)