Nematode applications in organic apple orchard
Cornell researchers Arthur Agnello, Elson Shields, Peter Jentsch, Dept. of Entomology. Participants will learn about established and newly-developed organic orchard management tools and techniques for plum curculio (PC), codling moth (CM) and oriental fruit moth (OFM). Trials utilizing entomopathogenic nematodes for biological control of PC show promise. Participants will learn how the nematodes can be reared on the farm, applied, and their effectiveness evaluated. Mating disruption has been available for CM and OFM control for a number of years; presenters will review some of the most promising methods of implementing this tactic, such as hand-applied dispensers and automated misting devices.
Finally, this farm is using pest-specific insect viruses against these moth pests, so a review of the principles and preliminary results of pest-specific viruses in a pest control program will be included.
This event is produced by NOFA-NY with support from the following: The New York Farm Viability Institute, NYS Specialty Crops Block Grant
Program, and Toward Sustainability Foundation.
• June 15, 1:00-4:00 pm, Clarke’s Prospect Farm, 4 Deyo Dr., Gardiner, NY 12548
Pre-registration online is strongly encouraged, but walk-ins are welcome; cost is $15/individual, $25/ two or more people from same farm. To register, visit or call the NOFA-NY office at (585) 271-1979, x512.
Assessments of Native Strains of
Nematodes for
Plum Curculio Management