The Hudson Valley Research Laboratory will be hosting its Annual Membership Meeting on March 31, 2016 4:00 PM. The meeting will be hosted by the HVRL Board of Directors with membership from the regional tree fruit, small fruit, grape and vegetable growers who will or have already become members in 2016. The purpose of the meeting is to update the membership on the future direction of the lab.
We need to hear from the agricultural industry to help chart the course and direction in future research and outreach to optimize your production. We encourage you to attend this important meeting so that your voice can be heard.
We will have Dr. Srdjan Acimovic available to update us on his new appointment as plant pathologist at the HVRL. We plan to distribute annual reports on what we have done over the past 3 years, review the present membership, re-elect existing and elect new members to the Board of Directors and discuss issues of greatest importance to you, the agriculturalists of the Hudson Valley.
Looking forward to seeing you at the meeting.
Hudson Valley Research Lab
3357 Route 9W
Highland, NY 12528