Sept. 15, 2015: Invitation to a presentation by Lindsay Wells-Hansen, plant pathology candidate for the Extension Associate position at the HVRL.

Beginning at 2:00PM, Tuesday, September 15th at the Hudson Valley Research Laboratory, Lindsay Wells-Hansen, a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, will be interviewing for the Extension Associate position with the Plant Pathology & Plant-Microbe Biology Department, to be stationed at the Hudson Valley Research Laboratory.

Lindsay will be making a formal presentation to attending growers, search committee, faculty and staff titled ‘Unraveling the fruit rot complex & unmasking an emerging virus in cranberry’. The presentation will last 45 minutes with questions and answers following.

All Hudson Valley farmers are encouraged to attend and participate in the presentation with questions to the candidate on topics and research of concern.

Please RSVP to of your intentions to participate. Coffee and snacks will be provided.